Richard Hamlin – Fallen Viet Nam Vet 4-28-11

Thank You…..The family of Richard Hamlin,

The family of Richard Hamlin, would like to take a moment to give a heartfelt thank you to all that attended and
supported us in the death of our father, brother, and grandfather during his funeral service.

There aren’t enough words that express the gratitude we have for the support given by the staff of Taylor
Brothers , Palacios Funeral Home, the Citizens and Businesses of Palacios that flew the U.S. Flag at half staff in
honor of Richard. Not forgetting the Palacios VFW Post 2467, Bay City VFW Post 2468, and especially the Matagorda
County Cavalry who paid tribute to Richard with honors. We just can’t express the feelings we have for all that you
have done for us.

There are so many people we would like to thank for helping us through a sad and trying time that we just can’t
list them all here. Your presence and support helped us through Richard’s death.
Again, Thank You and may God bless all of you!