Justin Rodriguez 8-14-10

Matagorda County Cavalry made our Welcome Home Party that much more special

I finally left my son at the airport going back to San Diego. I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU so much for
the ride Matagorda County Cavalry did for him. Believe me he was surprized, especially since he asked us not to do
anything for him. On behalf of the Jimenez-Rodriguez family, Matagorda County Cavalry made our Welcome Home Party
that much more special and the flag that Justin brought back from Afgahnistan that was given to Danny Lee and the
Cavalry was even more special because Danny was very surprized when he received it. It was good that someone gave
back to the Cavalry because YA’LL definately deserve the best. Once again GOD BLESS Matagorda County Cavalry for all
you have done.

Joann Jimenez