Alonso (Chucky) Soliz 1-09-10

I want to take the time to thank everyone who rode out for my son SPC Soliz, Alonso (Chucky) Welcome Home Party in Wadsworth

I want to take the time to thank everyone who rode out for my son SPC Soliz, Alonso (Chucky) Welcome Home Party in Wadsworth. YOU
FOLKS ARE AWESOME. You rode out in very cold weather to honor my son for serving in the Army. This meant a lot to me. Our family
and friends were all so overwhelmed and excited over the whole thing. What ya’ll do is so appreciated by everyone. Watching
Matagorda County Cavalry ride up on the bikes and the Sheriff, State Trooper, and Matagorda Fire Department, I think brought all
of us to tears. The respect ya’ll give to our servicemen and women is the greatest respect there could be. Some of the riders knew
my son and some of them had never met him until that day. That’s part of what makes the Matagorda County Cavalry one of the most
respected organizations out there. We also want to thank ya’ll on taking us up on our offer to stay and eat. We would have never
had it any other way.
